Functions List

Language_Fundamentals :

Sub Package
1 Entering_Commands clcM
2 Matrices_and_Arrays zerosM, onesM, randM, trueM, falseM, eyeM, diagM, catM, horzcatM, vertcatM, repelemM(limited), repmatM, linspaceM, logspaceM, meshgridM, ndgridM, freqspaceM, lengthM, sizeM, numelM, isscalarM, isvectorM, ismatrixM, isrowM, iscolumnM, isemptyM, sortM, flipM, fliplrM, flipudM, flipdimM, rot90M, transposeM, squeezeM
3 Data Types/Numeric Types doubleM, singleM, int8M, int16M, int32M, int64M, uint8M, uint16M, uint32M, uint64M

To see the full progress see this link: here

The full list of the functions that will be implemented in the future can be found Here